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A Working Session Referring to the Examination of the Technical Specifications for Construction Works of the Cahul - Lebedenco Aqueduct was Organized by the RDA South

05.06.2018   795 Views  

On June 5, 2018, a workshop on the examination of the tender documentation for the procurement procedure for the construction works of the Cahul - Lebedenco - Pelinei - Găvănoasa - Vulcăneşti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza aqueduct and local networks for Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Găvănoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages 1st Stage was held. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the RDA South, GIZ, Cahul District Council and Lebedenco Mayoralty.

The participants of the meeting submitted proposals for improving the technical specifications to ensure the continuity of executing works and decrease of the project implementation period. After financiers’ approval of the proposed changes, the procedure for purchasing the construction works is to be launched.

It worth mentioning that the proposed project provides water supply for the above mentioned localities from Cahul district, financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). This is part of the project "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS)


The (MLPS) project is implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), European Union, Government of Sweden, Government of Romania and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).