Rehabilitate the area, Salty Lake Cahul, is stagnating

On March 29, the ADR (South) held a meeting for the settlement of problems which have delayed the implementation of the project. The project is the rehabilitation of the recreation rest area on Lacul Sarat in Cahul.  

The meeting reviewed and discussed the issues and factors that hinder the implementation of the project. Project responsibilities were appointed from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MDRC), Cahul Mayors' Office, and the South Regional Development Agency (South RDA). Present at the meeting there were representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Valerian Bânzaru, Dorin Andros, Sergiu Cecan, representative of South RDA , the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Cahul and the general contractor.The meeting analyzed and discussed the issues that hinder the implementation of the project and responsibilities for the project were disseminated for implementation by the representatives of the agencies. The Mayor's Office in Cahul is getting in as long as the authorization for the use of mineral resources of the AGEOM can be used. Authorization is necessary in order to initiate, where appropriate, the redesign of the probe. The Mayor is also responsible for coordinating the estimate recalculation which must be in accordance with the ratio of SE "Incercom" and with the designer.

The Town Hall will resolve the problem of evacuating Cahul stormwater from the Lake and they will prepare all the necessary documents (the technical project, has  issued notices-concentrated services. At the moment, the Cahul authorities are looking for financial sources. The total cost of the project is about 1,500,000 lei). At the same time, they shall perform a temporary solution by restoring the existing network of rainwater evacuation. This will allow for the restarting of construction on the foundation work.

On April 2, there is expected to be a session with the representatives of MRDC, South RDA, and  town hall of Cahul. The State Agency for Geology in the Republic of Moldova, Hydrogeological Expedition (EHGEOM), Ministry of the Environment, and other actors involved in the process of drilling of the probe will participate.

South ADR recalled that the rehabilitation project of leisure area Lacul Sărat from Cahul was accepted for funding from the National Fund for Regional Development, in 2011 and the redevelopment work began in May, 2012. In the process of cleaning Lacul Sărat  underground springs have been discovered which prevent the evacuation of water from the Lake. This has led to delays in execution of the project. Also, non-conformities to the specifications were identified in the volumes and actual volumes of work. The project has been subject to technical review. After the review, it was concluded in a supplementary agreement, the project has increased in value from 7,229,000 Lei to 9,393,730 Lei.

Another significant difficulty holds that drilling an artesian well was not coordinated with the State Agency for Geology of the Republic of Moldova (AGEOM). This did not allow for the correct execution of the drilling of the probe. Cahul City Hall, as the customer, has signed a contract with the company, EHGEOM, I.S. Hydrological Expedition, whereby the latter has assumed the responsibility of identifying probes in the 80s of the last century. The company is contracted to identify boreholes drilled and buffers. It found that they are not functionally and will not be restored. It was decided that in this case the drilling of new wells is necessary to authorize.


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