Intercommunity Cooperation - the Key to Sustainable Development for the LPAs and Citizens of Filipeni, Romanovca, Cupcui and Iargara villages from Leova District

Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui villages from Leova district will benefit from new local water supply networks. Drafting and construction works will be financially supported by the European Union.

The financial resources are going to be offered in 2018. In this context a grant agreement was signed in June 2017 between GIZ and the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova. It concerns the development of technical projects and documentation for construction works in several projects related to water supply and sewerage (WSS) and energy efficiency (EE) in three Development Regions of the Republic of Moldova.

Thereby, one of projects to be implemented from the European sources in the Development Region South is the one that involves the water supply of Filipeni, Iargara, Cupcui and Romanovca localities from Leova district.

According to Mr Andrei Tocaru, GIZ Consultant, the nominated project is part of a larger project - "Modernization of local public services (MLPS) of water supply in Leova District", financially supported by the Federal Government of Germany through the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ). In addition, the European Union has committed itself to finance at this stage the drafting and the construction of about 83 km of local aqueduct networks in Iargara, Filipeni, Cupcui and Romanovca.

The estimated value of the investment is about 2.5 million euros. This will contribute to the implementation of the regional development policies in the Republic of Moldova, improve the citizens' quality of life and ensure quality public services.

Recently, the decisions to sign the Inter-Community Cooperation Agreement were adopted within the meetings of the local councils of Iargara, Filipeni, Cupcui and Romanovca villages. According to this agreement, the LPAs aim to get involved into the development of a sustainable water service and system in Leova district.

Mr Porubin Valeriu, the project manager, has mentioned that this kind of engagement is one of the EU conditions and aims to ensure the sustainability of the investment.

By the end of this year, the memorandum of understanding between the EU as funding provider, the GIZ as facilitator, the implementing institution that is the RDA South and the beneficiary municipalities will be signed. After that, the public tender for the acquisition of the aqueduct network developing works in the localities of Iargara, Filipeni, Cupcui and Romanovca will be announced.

Another infrastructure project of about 2, 5 million euros that will be financially supported in 2018 by the European Union,is the expansion of the local sewerage network in Leova town.



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