RDA South signed new contracts for acquisition of technical supervision services for the construction works of the Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcăneşti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza main pipeline and the local networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages

On January 11, 2019, the Regional Development Agency South , represented by Mrs Maria Culesov, signed two business contracts with "Verluxcons" LLC, represented by Mr Vladimir Blisciac, for the acquisition of the technical responsible services within the I-st Stage of the construction of the Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcanesti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza main pipeline and the local networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages from Cahul district.

The contract value for the acquisition of technical responsible services for executing works on Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcanesti (villages) investment measure Stage I, Phase I is 125,615.90 MDL. Another contract's value for the acquisition of the technical supervision services for construction of the local networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages Stage I, Phase II is 94 247,00 MDL.

Previously, on September 25, 2018, the RDA South and Cahul District Council had also signed a business contract of about 27 million MDL with the "Polimer Gaz Conducte" LLC for the acquisition of the construction works of the Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcanesti (villages) -Alexandru Ioan Cuza main pipeline and the local networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages from Cahul district, I-st Stage.

Also, on December 26, 2018, the Regional Development Agency South, Cahul District Council and Lebedenco Mayoralty signed a new contract of executing works of 20,488,468.54 MDL with a Consortium leaded by the "Polimer Gaz Conducte" LLC.

The "Construction of the Cahul-Lebedenco-Pelinei-Gavanoasa-Vulcanesti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza main pipeline and the local networks of the Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Satuc, Gavanoasa, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca villages" investment measure is financed from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation sources (SDC)/2.8 million Euro, implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) within MLPS project. By implementing the first stage of the project, about 11 km of main aqueduct and about 25 km of drinking water supply network in Lebedenco, Hutulu and Ursoaia villages will be built. About 2,665 citizens will benefit from access to drinking water.

The mentioned project aims to contribute to the implementation of the water supply and sewerage development initiative and the implementation of the Social-Economic Development Strategy of the Cahul District, the water supply and sewerage component. 


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