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South RDA eligible for international projects

23.01.2015   3047 Views  

On the occasion of celebrating 5 years since the South Regional Development Agency was established, we will publish a series of articles on the results that the Agency obtained during its activity.

In the today's article, we will refer to the results that the entire region benefited, thanks to the collaboration of South RDA and foreign partners.

South RDA with the financial support of the Association of Bird Life International, an Ukrainian subsidiary, during the years of 2012-2013, carried out the project "Strengthening economic and legal instruments for the steppe biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation (Biodiversity steppe)". The project aim was to inform the public authorities from the South Region of Republic of Moldova, about good pasture management practices as an opportunity for pasture adaptation to drought conditions. Also, in the frame of the above-mentioned project, South RDA realized a pilot project by planting 10 hectares of lavender in Tvardița, Taraclia district and the improvement of 20 ha of grassland in village Ecaterinovca, Cimislia district.


During 2012-2014, South RDA as associated partners in the CO-WANDA project ("Convention for Waste Management Inland Waterway Danube") realized the National Report for the content of the International Convention on ship waste on the Danube and the National Strategy for implementation the International Convention on ship waste on the Danube in RM. The strategy offers solutions on steps to be taken by RM in order to be part of an international harmonized system of ship waste management across the Danube.


In collaboration with the American volunteer in 2013, the South RDA has obtained funding through the Small Grants Program of the US Peace Corps in Moldova, for the project " Cimislia a clean city, collect the waste separately". The goal was to organize an awareness campaign about the importance of Cimislia selective waste collection to increase ecological culture of citizens. The project purchased and distributed 12 containers, plastic bags for the Cimislia schools for a selective garbage collection.


South Regional Development Agency jointly with the Czech Development Agency, implements in the years of 2014-2015, a software project "Capacity building of Local Public Authorities (LPA) in Moldova, the South Region", in the frame of which LPA  from the South Development  Region strengthens capacities in order to support the entrepreneurship. In the frame of the project, LPA will benefit from trainings, individual consultations on project ideas identified by beneficiaries in order to develop project ideas that could be relevant for the next Call for Proposals.