Home - Newsletter and publications - News - The current situation of the Water Supply and Sewerage Sector was discussed at the first meeting of the Regional Committee
05.10.2017 1434 Views
In Leova took place the first meeting of the Regional Sectorial Committee on Water Supply and Sewerage from the Development Region South. The meeting was organized by the Regional Development Agency South, supported by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The members of this committee were elected at the RDC South meeting on June 29, 2017. It includes representatives from eight districts from the Development Region South; the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment; service providers and specialists within the Territorial Development Departments from district councils. They analysed the current situation in the WSS field, highlighting the main problems faced by the local government and local "Apă-Canal" enterprises. The committee intends to examine and approve the development priorities of the Development Region South; to promote regional infrastructure projects among grantors and investors; to examine, with the support of specialized independent experts, the Projects Portfolio, studies, analyses and recommendations in order to outline a regional vision of this sector's development. Members were also informed about: - the legislative framework in the WSS field, the implemented and on-going projects financed from the National Ecological Fund - implemented and on-going projects funded by the National Fund for Regional Development - Regional Development Strategy in this field -The project "Modernization of Local Public Services of the Republic of Moldova - Phase II" implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) financially supported by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) . WSS RSC members studied the Single Programming Document (SPD) and the Regional Operational Plan South (ROP South) projects related to the Water Supply and Sewerage Sector. In order to have an overview of the situation in the South Region in Water Supply and Sewerage Sector, the members of the Sectorial Regional Committee have to complete in the near future a questionnaire, then, an GIZ expert will draft a reference study and will present a list of recommendations.