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The Working Group on Public Procurement Operated Some Modifications on the "Construction of the Leova-Iargara Magistrate Aqueduct" Project

18.10.2018   26251 Views  

The members of Working Group on Public Procurement within the Regional Development Agency (ADR) South, created for the acquisition and monitoring of the "Construction of the Leova-Iargara magistrate aqueduct" investment measure within the WSS Leova project met today to discuss the need of operating changes in the project. The project is implemented with the support of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), within the "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" project (MLPS).

The need of operating of the modifications appeared during the execution of the works within the mentioned investment measure. It was found that is need to exclude and to include additional volumes to complete the contracted construction works.

As a result, the value of the contract with "Polimer Gaz Conducte" LLC for the execution of the works on the nominated object increased by 67,062, 93 MDL - 0.1% of the total value of the contract (60,857,485.13 MDL). Thus, at the final stage of the implementing the project, the total value of the works became 60 924 548, 06 MDL.

We mention that the "Construction of the Leova-Iargara magistrate aqueduct" investment measure, started in January 2018, and is now at the last stage of implementation. The Leova-Iargara magistrate aqueduct will bring benefit to over 20 thousand citizens from the Region South of Moldova, ensuring access to modern water and sanitation services.

The total value of the works is about 3 million Euro or over 60 million MDL, of which 2.4 million Euro - offered by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation(GIZ) and 600 thousand Euro is allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development and Leova District Council.


The project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) is implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), European Union, Government of Sweden, Government of Romania and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)