Home - Newsletter and publications - News - The Local Steering Committee of the "Increasing Energy Efficiency of the Matei Basarab Theoretical Lyceum" Project had a Meeting
31.10.2018 1449 Views
On October the 30th, the Local Steering Committee (LSC) of the "Increasing Energy Efficiency of the Matei Basarab Theoretical Lyceum" project in Basarabeasca town met. The project manager's activity report for the third quarter of 2018 was presented and the operational plan for the implementation of the project for the VI-th quarter was approved. Also, the results of the survey conducted by IDIS Viitorul regarding the degree of satisfaction of students and employees of the institution regarding the energy efficiency of Matei Basarab Theoretical Lyceum were announced. The meeting was chaired by Mrs Elena Gurin, the president of LSC of the "Increasing Energy Efficiency of Matei Basarab Theoretical Lyceum" project, from Basarabeasca town, and manager at the mentioned institution. Mrs Gurin highlighted the importance of the project and stated that with the increase of the energy efficiency of the institution, it will become more attractive and prestigious. Investments from the EU will provide better conditions for students learning there, teachers and technical staff. Mrs Valentina Plesca, national senior advisor MSPL / GIZ in local public services, mentioned that LSCs were created to provide solutions for the problems or impediments that might arise during the implementation of the project. Also, these require more involvement and responsibility for stakeholders at local level - LPA, beneficiary, project manager, etc. Mrs Valentina Plesca also underlined the need of closer cooperation between the local public authorities of I and II levels, the beneficiary institution of the project and IDIS "Viitorul" - non-governmental organization selected by competition by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ ) in order to promote the involvement of civil society in providing modern local public services in the Development Region South, as well as more active participation of each stakeholder in the successful implementation of the project. The MSPL / GIZ representative referred to the importance of promoting energy efficiency measures to be implemented with EU support among the pupils of "Matei Basarab" Theoretical Lyceum, parents and the entire community who benefit from the investment measure. Following, to the LSC members was presented the report for the third quarter within the mentioned project. Mrs Vasilisa Gaibu, the project manager, presented the main activities carried out during July-September 2018 period and checked the progress made in implementing the project. The LSC members agreed, by voting, the activity report for the third quarter of the project manager and also come up with some proposals and recommendations. For example, Mr Vasile Braşovschi, MSPL / GIZ national advisor in monitoring and evaluation, proposed that at the end of 2018 year, a progress report based on concrete results should be presented at the next LSC meeting, containing not only activities carried out during the implementation of the project, but also some result indicators reflecting the degree of progress and achievement of the objectives that are expected to be achieved by implementing the project. At the third LSC meeting within the "Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the " Matei Basarab " Theoretical Lyceum" investment measure in Basarabeasca town was approved the action plan for the IVth quarter of 2018. Mr Eugen Lupascu, MSPL / GIZ local advisor and Mrs Viorica Cutitaru, RDA South specialist presented some suggestions and recommendations. At the end of the meeting, Mr Gabriel Olaru, IDIS "Viitorul" expert, presented the results of the sociological survey regarding the level of satisfaction of students and employees about Energy Efficiency of the "Matei Basarab" Theoretical Lyceum. This survey is performed at GIZ's request in the context to ensure the sustainability of the implementation of energy efficiency measures within "Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Matei Basarab Theoretical Lyceum" in Basarabeasca town" investment measure. The survey will serve as a base for the situation in this institution and for the subsequent assessment of the impact produced by the project implementation. ************************************ The invest measure "Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the " Matei Basarab " Theoretical Lyceum in Basarabeasca town" is financed by the European Union in cooperation with the project "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova", implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and the Regional Development Agency South. This project is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Government of Sweden, Government of Romania and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).