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The role of Regional Development Agencies in the Republic of Moldova in ensuring sustainable development and economic stability expressed at the Eastern Partnership Conference in Kiev

22.11.2018   813 Views  

Mrs Maria Culeşov, the Director of the Regional Development Agency South, with other representatives of the LPAs and CSOs from the Republic of Moldova, participated at the Eastern Partnership Conference "MUNICIPALITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH", which takes on November 22-23 in Kiev, Ukraine.

Mrs Maria Culeşov informed the participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine about the fact that the Regional Development Agencies from Moldova, during their existence, are very active actors in the implementation of the regional development policies and involved stakeholders in activities that contribute to sustainable local development.

The director of the RDA South spoke in particular about the activity and mission of the regional development institution she represents. Also, she related about the horizontal and vertical cooperation which the RDA South has achieved over the last years, together with the regional development actors. The director spoke about the implemented projects in common with the LPAs, CSOs, the business environment and development partners, and the results obtained for the benefit of the region and its communities.

Mrs Maria Culeşov specified that she represents the Development Region South of the Republic of Moldova and that RDA is the core institution that promotes implementation of the state policy in the field of regional development. She also informed those present that there are 6 development regions in the Republic of Moldova, of which 4 are currently operational.

The RDA South Director brought concrete examples of successful cooperation, including the creation of Strategic Planning Committee at regional level, which has been directly involved in developing the Regional Development South Strategies for 2012-2016 and 2016-2020 periods; the creation of six Regional Sectorial Working Groups (RSWG) in the fields related to the priorities established in the regional strategy, such as Water Supply and Sewerage, Solid Waste Management, Regional and Local Roads, Energy Efficiency, Economy and Tourism, and the development within a participatory process of the Regional Sectorial Programs, as well as project concepts resulting from these programs.

The six Regional Sectorial Programs (RSP) for the 2014-2017 period were developed at the regional level, where the medium-term development vision of these sectors was established. Then, by a participatory process, with the involvement of RSWG members from RDA South, LPAs, CSOs, the academic and entrepreneurial environment, 18 viable project concepts (VPC) were developed, 6 of which were funded from EU sources (about 12 million euro). These include 3 WSS projects of about 8 million euro, 2 EE projects - 3.7 million euro and an economic development project - 300 thousand euro.

"It worth mentioning that one of these projects: "South Gate of Moldova - Open for Business and Investment Promotion ", is funded by the EU within the " Mayors for Economic Growth" initiative. Within this project, we have a broad partnership between the RDA South, SME Development Organization and eight District Councils, which are part of the Development Region South. The project covers the entire Development Region South. The direct beneficiaries are Small and Medium Enterprises from the region, potential entrepreneurs, local public authorities, and indirectly the entire population in the region, " said Mrs Maria Culesov, the director of the Regional Development Agency South.