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29.11.2018 1287 Views
On Wednesday, November 28, in Chisinau, a workshop on learned lessons and recommendations for improvement of public procurement procedures for construction works within EU-funded projects through the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) took place. The event was organized with the support of the "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) project, implemented by GIZ. The workshop was attended by 62 specialists, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE), Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), project managers, GIZ / MLPS national and regional advisors, including civil society representatives from the Republic of Moldova. The main outcomes and challenges in the contracting of design services as well as the recommendations for improving the procurement procedures for the next stage were presented at the workshop. Also, the participants discussed and proposed solutions for modification the Manual and the Regulation on Procurement Procedures, while also presenting the procurement procedures for contracting construction works. With EU support, 200 000 citizens will benefit from an improved infrastructure in water supply and energy fields. It will be possible after the implementation of 10 infrastructure projects in the field of water supply and sewerage and 8 projects in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings. Energy efficiency which have to be implemented in schools will provide optimal conditions for staff and students in several localities. Regarding to water and sanitation measures, the main expected outcomes are to improve the infrastructure for the provision of water services and to increase the population connection rate. All these measures will contribute at reducing rural and urban disparities. This project is funded by the European Union within the "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" project, implemented by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and financially supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Government of Sweden, Government of Romania and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).