Home - Newsletter and publications - News - The last meeting of the Regional Committee in the field of Water Supply and Sewerage this year
15.12.2018 2446 Views
The members of the Regional Sectoral Committee in the field of Water Supply and Sewerage (RSC / WSS) in the Development Region South, created with the support of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the project "Modernization of the Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova" (MLPS) met on Friday, December 14, in Leova. The event was attended by representatives of the local public authorities, German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and specialists from the RDA South. The co-chair of RSC WSS, Mr Ion Gudumac, welcomed the participants and spoked about the experience of Leova district in implementing measures for modernization of the water supply and sewerage infrastructure and public services. The Leova district president said he wants and hopes that in the future the created committees within the RDA South will be more efficient and achieve their goals. Mr Ion Gudumac was also open for cooperating with other districts from the Development Region South, in order to exchange best practices in the field of water supply and sewerage. The secretary of the Regional Development Council South and of the Regional Sectoral Committees, Mrs Natalia Dubalari, reported about the activity of the RSC WSS carried out during 2018 year, the creation and functioning of the communication platform for the RDC South and RSC members. Mr Andrei Popusoi, the head of the Project Management Department at the RDA South, informed about the implementation of investment projects in the WSS sector, financed from the National Fund for Regional Development and other sources in 2018. The GIZ national advisor, Mrs Angela Dumitraşco, presented the role of the RSC in monitoring the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy South in the field of WSS. Mr Valeriu Porubin, the local manager of MLPS WSS project in Leova district, referred to the practical methods of implementing the concept of regionalization of the water supply and sewerage service.